Angie Holbrook Stewart



Angie Holbrook Stewart’s interest in genealogy began as a child on the family room floor leafing through the giant multi-generational ancestral books her great-grandparents assembled. Years later, a beloved grandmother handed her an accordion stack of files and asked for help researching her paternal line.

Angie Holbrook Stewart

This request resulted in over 21 years of genealogical research, a return to higher education, and a love of connecting families. In April 2021, she graduated from Brigham Young University – Idaho in University Studies with a certificate and associate degree in Family History Research. Currently, she is in her second year at the University of Strathclyde working on a master’s degree in Genealogical, Paleographic & Heraldic Studies. She loves genetic genealogy and has taken several courses through her schooling and on her own to enhance her skills in this field.

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