
We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for the UGA DNA Special Interest Group! Your input is invaluable in shaping the direction of our meetings, and we want to ensure that we are bringing you the most relevant and engaging content. Please let us know which presenters you would like to see featured and what topics or presentations would be most beneficial to you. Whether it’s a specific expert in the field of DNA research, a particular technique, or a case study, we welcome your ideas to make our sessions as informative and exciting as possible!

UGA DNA SIG Upcoming Webinars

Join us for our next UGA DNA webinar. View the calendar and register.

Past UGA DNA Webinars

View the archive of UGA DNA webinars in the member area.




Month Presentation Presenter
December DNA and Indirect Evidence Identify the Biological Father of an Early 19th Century Woman Jennifer Roodzant
August Discovering Genetic Ancestors Jennifer Roodzant
May Finding an Unknown Father Using DNA Tanner Tolman
April Pedigree Triangulation: Building Your Matches Trees to Identify Most Recent Common Ancestors Jennifer Roodzant
March Y-DNA Basics Tanner Tolman
February Finding Living People to Target Test Tanner Tolman
January Clustering DNA Matches to Pinpoint Genetic Networks Jennifer Roodzant

Purpose and Vision Statement

The Utah Genealogical Association DNA seeks to provide genealogical information, sources and education through personal instruction and published media on family history topics while promoting high standards and ethical practices.


The “UGA – DNA Special Interest Group” Facebook Group is here. The Facebook group is open to UGA members and non-members alike.

  • Gives regular updates on upcoming presentations and presenters and give a sneak peek at the handouts before the presentation!
  • Will soon have links to several great resources, tools, and blogs to help you further your genetic genealogy.
  • Provides the DNA Special Interest group a place to share information, resources and ask each other questions.

If you do not use then sign-up for the DNA Special Interest Group Mailing List to get the latest news on what’s happening with the DNA special Interest Group so that you will be able to attend and benefit from our webinars and resources.

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